Sponsorship Opportunities for Your Company!


Our 2nd Annual Case Managers Cruise was a huge success! Providing case managers fun while obtaining continuing education credits, most of the attendees were certified case managers both RNs and Social Workers. These case managers were from all areas of case management including hospital-based, managed care based, workers’ compensation, and clinic-based and from all across the country.


With our 3rd Annual Case Managers Cruise, there is an opportunity to get your company’s name and mission in front of Case Managers from all over the country. Seven days of close contact with this group of professionals to establish a rapport. If you can’t join us on the cruise, there are multiple ways you can market your services to them.



Rear Admiral (ONLY 1 Available)

Rear Admiral (ONLY 1 Available)


  • Inside cabin for 2, double occupancy, or single studio (if 1).
  • 2 Complimentary Conference registrations.
  • Exhibit table outside the lecture room.
  • Seating at dinner with attendees.
  • Promotion to Facebook groups 4 x during next year (Nearly 10k members).
  • Flyers in book sales for 1 year (Sponsor to provide flyer).
  • Full page color ad in Conference Program.
  • Access to the attendee list.
  • Listing on our website with a link to your website.
  • Facebook Live broadcast dedicated to your products or services to Case Managers Community Group (Nearly 10k members).
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).
  • Recognition as the main sponsor during the cruise.
Captain (2 available)

Captain (2 available)



  • 1 Complimentary Conference Registration.
  • 1/2 page color ad in Conference Program.
  • Listing in Conference Program as a sponsor.
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).
  • Listing on our website with a link to your website.
  • Access to the attendee list.
  • Promotion to Facebook groups 3 x during next year (Nearly 10k members).
  • Recognition during the cruise of your sponsorship.
Commander (3 available)

Commander (3 available)



  • 1 Complimentary Conference Registration.
  • 1/4 page color ad in Conference Program.
  • Listing in Conference Program as a sponsor.
  • Listing on our website with a link to your website.
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).
  • Access to the attendee list.
  • Promotion to Facebook groups 2 x during next year (Nearly 10k members).
  • Recognition during the cruise of your sponsorship.
Lieutenant Commander (3 available)

Lieutenant Commander (3 available)


Choose 1 of 3 Options:

Coffee Breaks: Sponsor 3 days of coffee breaks. Company name and/or logo will be displayed on signage during breaks. 

Conference Programs: Sponsor the Conference Programs. Company name and/or logo will be printed on the cover of the program.

Tote Bags: Sponsor the reusable tote bags provided to all attendees. Company name and/or logo will be imprinted on the bag.


  • Promotion to Facebook groups 1x during next year (Nearly 10k members).
  • Listed as a sponsor in the Conference Program.
  • Listing on our website with the link to your website.
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).
  • Daily recognition during the cruise of your sponsorship.

Sponsor a Speaker (6 available)



  • Announced as sponsor during introduction of speaker.
  • Listed as a sponsor in the Conference Program.
  • Listing on our website with the link to your website for one year.
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).

Name Badge/Lanyards



  • Name imprinted on name badges or lanyards.
  • Listed as a sponsor in the Conference Program.
  • Listing on our website with the link to your website.
  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).

Swag Bag Insert



  • Promo items inserted in the swag bag (sponsor provided items).

Want to sponsor but don’t see something above that suits your needs? Sponsorships are available at all levels to accommodate any budget. Please contact Abi via the Contact Form with any and all requests. Thank you.


Well, what can I say but that I’m looking forward to next year already! Everything was wonderful from amazing presenters to the opportunity to network with wonderful case managers from all across the US! Special thanks to Deanna and Abi for coordinating such a memorable event! 🛳🏝🌊 -Amy Pleasant-Lindsey

Case Managers Cruise. Always great to gain knowledge while enjoying food, fun, and sun while meeting and networking with other Professionals, family, and friends. - Addie & David Marchant

It was a wonderful week, filled with rewarding Case Management education brought to us by terrific Case Management luminaries ( Ellen Fink-Samnick, Ron Hirsch, Mindy Owen, Martha Presley-Turner, & me - thrilled to be in such company) and expertly organized by Deanna Cooper Gillingham and Abi Carmen. I am already looking forward to next year! -Eric Bergman


Thanks to Deanna Cooper Gillinghamm, Abi Carmen and the entire Faculty who provided an interesting learning experience for all who attended. Looking forward to the 2019 cruise! - Anne Llewellyn



Wow I had the most relaxing, Fun, educational, and met new friends. Case Manager Cruise was the bomb. Going next year for sure. -Tracy Cook Pizzi

julie wolf

A big thank you to you and Abi for creating the CM Cruise! I had a fabulous time and have connected with many people already on Facebook. It was a great conference and agree the attendees and speakers were wonderful. I do plan on going next year. - Julie Wolf