
3rd Annual Case Managers Cruise

**As we all know by now that due to COVID-19

Celebrity has canceled our cruise**

Registration is very simple!

Step #1: Book The Cabin of Your Choice!

Contact Christopher DeBonis at

Luxury Cruise Connections.

The cruise MUST be booked through Christopher, who can be reached at (305) 914-1723 or email at Mention Case Managers Cruise Group.  There will be no exceptions!!!  You will not be able to Participate in ANY Case Managers, Cruise activities, networking or CE sessions if you have not booked your cruise in this manner.

Step #2: Book Your Hotel Room In Ft. Lauderdale!

Contact our Concierge Manager at Luxury Cruise Connections.

Call the Concierge Manager – at (305) 914.1731. Also, individuals can email the Concierge directly at

*We will be having our Annual Cruise Meetup at the Hotel and Luxury Cruise Connections has solidified a fantastic discount with free Breakfast and more.

Step #3: Reserve your spot for the CE (Continuing Education) Portion Just Click the Button Below!

This is optional and is not added into the cost of the cruise so spouses, friends, and family that do not need the credits are not paying for them.


Well, what can I say but that I’m looking forward to next year already! Everything was wonderful from amazing presenters to the opportunity to network with wonderful case managers from all across the US! Special thanks to Deanna and Abi for coordinating such a memorable event! 🛳🏝🌊 -Amy Pleasant-Lindsey

Case Managers Cruise. Always great to gain knowledge while enjoying food, fun, and sun while meeting and networking with other Professionals, family, and friends. - Addie & David Marchant

It was a wonderful week, filled with rewarding Case Management education brought to us by terrific Case Management luminaries ( Ellen Fink-Samnick, Ron Hirsch, Mindy Owen, Martha Presley-Turner, & me - thrilled to be in such company) and expertly organized by Deanna Cooper Gillingham and Abi Carmen. I am already looking forward to next year! -Eric Bergman


Thanks to Deanna Cooper Gillinghamm, Abi Carmen and the entire Faculty who provided an interesting learning experience for all who attended. Looking forward to the 2019 cruise! - Anne Llewellyn



Wow I had the most relaxing, Fun, educational, and met new friends. Case Manager Cruise was the bomb. Going next year for sure. -Tracy Cook Pizzi

julie wolf

A big thank you to you and Abi for creating the CM Cruise! I had a fabulous time and have connected with many people already on Facebook. It was a great conference and agree the attendees and speakers were wonderful. I do plan on going next year. - Julie Wolf