The Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) impact physical and behavioral well-being for individuals and populations. With $1.7 Trillion spent on 5% of the population from the SDoH, the pressure is on for healthcare organizations and Case Management to proactively manage care. Case managers are on the front lines of intervention with these challenging and multidimensional client situations. Included are prevention and wellness concerns, medication and treatment adherence,
reimbursement, readmission, and outcomes metrics, as well as ethical considerations for practice across practice settings.
Through an interactive and educational experience learn how to successfully assess, engage, intervene with, and monitor the newest generation of the SDoH. Learn about the latest population-health data, assessment tools, and intervention strategies. Additional session discussion will focus on reimbursement, quality metrics, workforce implications, plus model resources and programs.
Learner Outcomes:
At the end of the presentation, the learner will be able to:
- Define the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)
- Discuss and apply reimbursement methods to practice
- Identify a variety of assessment tools to use across populations
- Describe the traditional and new faces of SDoH
- Apply meaningful outcomes to practice
- Explain treatment non-adherence
- Articulate models programs and resources
- Explain the ABC’s of Interviewing
- Discuss the ethical impact of bias in case managing SDoH populations.
This content will apply to the following Ethical Principles (Commission for Case Manager Certification 2015) Principles. Board certified Case Managers will:
- Principle 2 respect the rights and inherent dignity of all of their clients.
- Principle 3 always maintain objectivity in their relationship with their clients.
- Principle 4 act with integrity and fidelity with clients and others.
This content will apply to the following Ethical Principles and Standards from the Code of Ethics (National Association of Social Workers, 2017).
- Ethical Principles:
- service
- social justice
- dignity and worth of the person
- importance of human relationships
- integrity
- competence.
- Ethical Standards:
- 1. Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to Clients
- 1.02 Self-Determination
- 1.05 Cultural Awareness and Social Diversity
- 1.06 Conflicts of Interest
- 3. Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities in Practice Settings
- 3.02 Education and Training
- 1. Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to Clients
An industry thought leader for over 30 years, Ellen is known and respected as “The Ethical Compass of Professional Case Management”. She is a popular presenter with hundreds of offerings to her credit and author of close to 100 publications. Ellen has received awards and global recognition for her innovative practice, including the 2017 Distinguished Master Social Work Alumni from the University of Buffalo School of Social Work, and 2016 National Award of Service Excellence for the Case Management Society of America.
Ellen is the co-author of the book COLLABORATE® for Professional Case Management: A Universal Competency-Based Paradigm, 1st ed. She has contributed to CMSA’ s Career and Knowledge Pathways®, plus the Commission for Case Manager Certification’s Case Management Body of Knowledge®, among many others. Ellen also served on the committee that revised CMSA’ s 2016 Standards of Practice.